
RemedyOne cuts through the complexity of modern pharmaceutical programs to uncover opportunities to grow, to flex agreements in your favor and to help you take decisive action on what matters.

Want the Lowest-Net-Cost Drugs? Change Your Thinking on Disruption

It might seem like a lowest-net-cost formulary would be made up of clinically equivalent agents with the lowest overall cost. But in the complex world of drug pricing and pharmacy benefits, that is not the case. Lowest-net-cost formularies are a good way for organizations to lower their pharmacy spend. These formularies substitute clinically sound, chemically […]

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Can the Vaccine Rollout Guide Us to More Efficient Health Care?

What the Covid vaccine taught us, and how we can be better. See this article as it originally appeared in Inc. With Covid-19 vaccine progress ahead of targets, it’s clear that the pharmaceutical industry has come through in a big way when the country needed it most. The vaccines were developed, approved, and distributed on

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Hospital Price Transparency Rule Not Enough to Lower Drug Prices

Our healthcare system is extremely complex and increasing drug pricing transparency will be a big part of simplifying it in order to reduce costs. However, drug price data has to be easily digestible by consumers. The average American, and even healthcare professionals not directly involved in the payment and finance side of the business, are

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Uncovering Solutions for Affordable Drug Pricing

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a series of hearings to review findings from an in-depth investigation into drug pricing actions that was conducted last year with CEOs representing some of the largest and most profitable pharmaceutical manufacturers. As stated in the summary report of the investigation by Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, “the drug

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Navigating the Complex World of Generics and Authorized Generics

Executive Summary Today, generics are widely available and more regulated, with improved quality compared to that of the not-so-distant past. The savings from generic drugs has surpassed $265 billion since 2008, and ninety-three percent (93%) of generic prescriptions are filled at a cost of twenty dollars ($20) or less. Unfortunately, not all treatment categories have

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