Impact / Impact Story

Powering a regional health plan’s ability to maximize savings

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Regional health plan


Rebate and formulary optimization services

Breakthrough Insight

Analytic, clinical and trade revealed how the Plan could increase its drug savings by an additional $250,000

Impact & Growth


Increase in rebate yield, doubling the previous yield

The Complexity

A regional health plan was receiving rebates from their PBM but was struggling to get the level of support they wanted to manage their own formulary, and to maximize savings. Not understanding the rebate drivers, the Plan was not able to clearly equate their efforts to lower drug costs.

Cutting Through: Insights & Solutions

RemedyOne provided a rebate solution for the existing Plan’s formulary that increased the Plan’s rebate yield by $300,000. Then RemedyOne’s analytic, clinical and trade teams worked with the Plan to show how the Plan could increase its drug savings by an additional $250,000 by moving to the RemedyOne formulary. 

Positive Outcomes

This regional health plan doubled their rebate yields by carving the rebate and formulary management away from their PBM and implementing RemedyOne’s formulary. There was minimal member disruption in leveraging the additional savings.


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